Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Imagine repairing, reversing aging in your skin or stimulating hair regrowth by having your own body do the work?

Now we have the ability to do just that, thanks to a new and innovative method called PRP treatment. The process is simple and virtually painless. We take a sample of your own blood, process it and extract the platelets in concentrated form, which become activated to release several different growth factors and other cytokines that can stimulate healing of skin and soft tissue. The protocol calls for three to six treatments, a month apart and for more severe damage more may be required.

Full face treatments are typical, the platelet rich plasma is applied to clean, sterile skin and then enter the skin via micro-needling and/or tiny little injections. It is sometimes combined with skin booster treatment for even better results. For scalp hair regrowth, tiny injections are done to deliver the platelet rich plasma to the areas as required for maximal effect. Needless to say, patients need to be in good health and follow a health lifestyle in order to benefit optimally from PRP. There are a few considerations and contraindications, so a consultation with Dr Van Aardt and Aundrea, our nurse, is mandatory before treatment can be scheduled. Package pricing is available.

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