Melissa Brabant

Registered Nurse

With over 15 years of experience in the beauty industry as a stylist and salon owner, Melissa RN, BScN compliments our medical team with strong creative flare and business sense. The world of medical aesthetics is dynamic and diverse, requiring an artistic eye and a caring approach. Her love for nursing and passion for improving others’ self-confidence combine to form the foundation of a talented aesthetic medical nurse.

Melissa’s commitment to remaining current in this ever-changing industry ensures that her patients receive a superior standard of care throughout their aesthetic journey. With an approachable personality and enthusiasm for the medical cosmetic field, Melissa is a valuable member of our team. With her background in Neonatal Intensive Care, Melissa is able to seamlessly transition her skills to her role in the aesthetics industry, maintaining high safety standards and the utmost professionalism.

Melissa’s success, along with that of her team members is assured through her enthusiasm and dedication to the exciting, dynamic field of Aesthetic Medicine.

If you’d like to connect with Melissa, please connect with her on Instagram: @melissaestheticnurse